Svanvik Chapel Wooden chapel erected in 1934 as a cultural border protection against Finland.
Height 96 (Høyde 96) Enjoy the view from a former military observation tower from the cold war. You can see Nikel in Russia and huge parts of the Pasvik valley. Many observations of bears and special birds from the tower during the summer. Mini café with sale of coffee / waffles and a big selection of special souvenirs. Open in summer (june-august). Sør-Varanger’s most visited attraction.
Phone: Fax:
Sør -VarangerMuseum - Bjørnehiet
Visit a real bear’s lair! Signposted trail from Strandkrysset.
Sør-Varanger Museum – Namdalen Norwegian Settler’s farm, now abandoned. Marked trails from Langvasseid, Firkantvann (lake) and Strand.
The Vaggatem prison camp
Restored POW camp where Russian prisoners of war were held during World War II.
German radio compass station at Kobfoss
German Radio Compass station can be seen. The station was in use from spring 1942 to autumn 1944.
Øvre Pasvik National Park
Here you will find one of the country’s largest original forests. The pine forest is said to be a north-western
offshoot of the Siberian taiga. The plant and animal life has several eastern specimens, which you
do not find or which are highly unusual in the rest of the country.
Treriksrøysa (Tri-national Border Marker)
A marked point where the national borders of Norway, Russia and Finland meet. Accessible via a marked trail, but it is strictly prohibited to walk around it!
The Pasvik River
Norway’s second largest river originates from the large Lake Enare in northern Finland. It is a good river
for fishing with 15 registered fish species. Before the building of a total of seven hydro-power stations
on both the Norwegian and the Russian side, there used to be a lot of salmon in the river. Fishing is not
allowed for non-Norwegians here since the river is part of the border with Russia.