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Sør-Varanger Reiselivsforum

9915 Kirkenes

Sist oppdatert 18.01.2011

Museums in Kirkenes

Grenselandmuseet (the Borderland Museum)
Grenselandmuseet exhibits permanent and temporar exhibitions from the border area. Our mission is to show the history before and after the coming of the borders. Important milestones: Norwegian, Finnish and Russian immigration; the establishment of the mining company Sydvaranger AS; the national government`s attitude towards the inhabitants; WWII; cultural meetings during historical end present times.

Café and museum shop. Opening times Winter: 10.00-14.00, Summer: 10.00-18.00. See our website for more information:

Adr: Førstevannslia, N-9900 Kirkenes, Norway
Tel: , Faks:


Savio - Museum
Art museum built up around the well-known Sami artist John Andreas Savio (1902-1938). Art depicting the Sami reindeer herders, culture and nature in the north. Wood carvings and different painting techniques. Art exhibit temporarily located at the Grenseland Museum, with a new anniversary exhibit.
Open daily all year round from 10 am to 3.30 pm. From middle of June to middle of August from 10 am to 6 pm.
Førstevannslia in Kirkenes.
Tel: , Fax

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